


John Dzik

Letters Sent by Alums and Friends: 
Letters Main > Bob Wiederwax, Parent of Cabrini Alum, Jen Wiederwax (Class of 1997)

John Dzik…Cabrini College, Cabrini College…John Dzik, either way you said it, it always went together. At least it use to. Are you people NUTS!! This could go down in history as big of a blunder as when the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth!! If you thought the athletic alumni wasn't a family before, Cabrini just gave them a cause. What did someone say before, you awoke a SLEEPING GIANT!! Take some advice, reverse your decision. Not only reinstate him as your head basketball coach but find him a position where he can continue to help Cabrini grow in a positive manner. Maybe the wrong person got fired!! I could go on but I'm sure that many many other people have already informed you of his worth to Cabrini. Unless this decision is reversed please remove my name from your mailing list.


Bob Wiederwax

Father of 97 grad Jennifer Wiederwax.